Monday, April 2, 2007

Office Worker Nonsense Emails

I can't stand when jerkoffs in an office setting do the stupidest shit. You get an email that's about 5 pages long and if you scroll down and read from the bottom up the emails will read like this with each of these emails being from another sender:

Email 1: John, there's a problem with invoice 13-a, we're about 300 dollars over our cost budget. Steve.
Email 2: George, FYI and appropriate action. John. CC: Bill
Email 3: George and John, there should be some action taken here. Bill. CC: Bob
Email 4: George, John, Bill, see emails below, I'd like to have a meeting to discuss a candid and appropriate response and pro-active movement on the subject matter listed. Bob.
Email that should be sent, but never is, we'll call it 5: Bob, George, John, Bill, can you please get your fucking act together, all I needed was a signature and you guys are here pussyfooting around jerking each other off, writing nonsense emails and blind or regular carbon copying any number of different vice-presidents in the company so that they can see that you know how to answer emails in an appropriately bureaucratic way, saying absolutely nothing in no less than 20 words. Dicks. Just sign the fucking paper.

You see, it is this type of shit that really grinds my gears. Unfortunately noone ever writes those emails that really need to be written to put those arrogant, sniveling, yes-men, "who moved my cheese" reading motherfuckers in their god damned place. Just fucking sign the paper asshole! This doesn't require meetings, it doesn't require phone calls, it requires nothing at all, no higherups need to be notified on some silly paperwork mishap. Just fucking sign it you pretentious fucks!

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