Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Cheap Shitty Beer

I hate real cheap beer. I can't stand beer like Natural Ice, Hurricane, Colt 45 or any of the other cases that cost under 13 dollars. I don't know what the jerkoffs put in this shit at the breweries, but I swear if it's hops, barley, and water, then the water must be polluted, the hops must be rotten, and the barley must actually be cyanide. The stuff is terrible! You drink it, and first it tastes bad, and that's pretty bad, but okay fine, you deal with that, you suck down 5 or 6 of them and you're starting to get buzzed so the taste improves. It's still bad, but you just don't give a shit anymore. But then what happens? You wake up the next day with your head full of little motherfuckers pouding on the inside and the outside of it with hammers. Because you've just ingested probably about 10 beers worth (I say 10 beers, because if you're buying shitty beer like that you're not doing it to enjoy one or two with dinner, you're out to get hammered) of the shittiest ingredients on god's green earth. You're practically poisoning yourself, and why? Why does the beer company have to use the absolute worst ingredients they can find? It has to be possible for them to find decent materials and still charge the same price, thereby still being able to turn a profit. That's why I'm done with all of that crap, from now on the worst beer I'll drink, and even this would be a rarity would be Budweiser. After all: Das Leben Ist Zu Kurz Um Sheiss Bier Zu Trinken.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll drink to that. I can't stand cheap beer either. I'd rather drink laundry water runoff.