Monday, April 9, 2007

Customer With Child Parking

What is the deal with this crap? Why should someone with a child get special parking privileges? I don't get it. If the kid is real small, they get tossed in a stroller and wheeled to the door, so that can't be it. If the kid is old enough to walk than there's not an issue there, so what is it? Are they playing the danger card in that the closer to the door a child is, the less chance they have of getting run over? Well, damn it, now I'm aiming for them! It just burns me up when we start dishing out benefits to people who don't deserve it. Why should I be ushered to the back, like a 1950's colored woman on a bus, just because I don't have a kid? The only sign I would accept for parking, besides handicapped is maybe a Pregnant Woman Parking. But they have to add: Must be showing! Hmmm, and maybe some extra wide parking for senior citizens. Those skeletons can't drive or park. LOL!


Anonymous said...


You got it pretty much bang on and I agree with you.

I think it's discrimination. I can understand parking for the handicapped, as nobody decides to be handicapped by choice. It happens, and we should do what we can to accomodate (just don't go overboard and inconvenience a million others to help one).

But a mother with child, or even someone pregnant? Hey, you chose to get pregnant, and here are some of the hardships of dealing with that. You get treated equally and park where the rest of the customers park. Can't walk, having trouble, kids running rampant? Think about it before you have another kid, or even a first one, for that matter.

Great blog, that was my rant, and keep posting.

Anonymous said...


You got it pretty much bang on and I agree with you.

I think it's discrimination. I can understand parking for the handicapped, as nobody decides to be handicapped by choice. It happens, and we should do what we can to accomodate (just don't go overboard and inconvenience a million others to help one).

But a mother with child, or even someone pregnant? Hey, you chose to get pregnant, and here are some of the hardships of dealing with that. You get treated equally and park where the rest of the customers park. Can't walk, having trouble, kids running rampant? Think about it before you have another kid, or even a first one, for that matter.

Great blog, that was my rant, and keep posting.

Anonymous said...

**** it grinds my gears that my browser got stuck and it posted three times... sorry ****


You got it pretty much bang on and I agree with you.

I think it's discrimination. I can understand parking for the handicapped, as nobody decides to be handicapped by choice. It happens, and we should do what we can to accomodate (just don't go overboard and inconvenience a million others to help one).

But a mother with child, or even someone pregnant? Hey, you chose to get pregnant, and here are some of the hardships of dealing with that. You get treated equally and park where the rest of the customers park. Can't walk, having trouble, kids running rampant? Think about it before you have another kid, or even a first one, for that matter.

Great blog, that was my rant, and keep posting.