Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Women Drivers and Cell Phones

Okay, it seems that whenever I was in the car and noticed someone using a cell phone, most times that person was a woman. So I decided to take a tally of who uses their cell phones most while driving. I only counted people who had a phone up to their ear. I did not count hands free phone usage and I did not count anyone who was using a phone in a work vehicle. I counted until I reached around 50, one gender or the other.

The results: Women - 54, Men - 17. I don't think anyone is surprised.

I've always maintained that when the announcement of the invention of the cell phone came out you could hear the collective popping of ladies nipples all across the globe. They love their phones. LOL!

Before you argue with me on the results, I offer that you do your own tally and you will see for yourself.

"Uh, can I call you back, I seem to have a steering column embedded in my chest"

1 comment:

Furiousitron 5000 said...

It's true, there are so many god damn times I see women drivers, and honestly male drivers too, when they have their cell phone up to their ears. This might not seem like a problem (and to be fair i do see way more women doing this than men) and they'll all claim it's not distracting. And yet that has to be bullshit because I've seen it cause people to swerve in a lane, not signal when they're turning, run stop signs and lights, and just make use of general automobile fuckoffery. HANG IT THE FUCK UP OR USE YOUR SPEAKERPHONE!