Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Stupid Wawa Coffee

I am so sick of friggin' Wawa coffee. Unfortunately I have to get it every morning because there isn't a dunkin donuts or starbucks anywhere near me that might actually have a decent cup of joe. What I'm really sick of and what makes the coffee so bad is that I constantly see them mixing coffee together, the old pots mixed together when they need a pot to make new, so that what you have is a lot of pots that look full as though they are brand new but no, they're actually a mixture of hours old sludge from god knows how long ago. I mean you figure if they're following the idea that they should mix the old and the new coffee, you don't know when they're washing the pots out, you might be drinking coffee from an hour ago, last night, last week, you just don't know, but one thing you do know as soon as you taste it is that it is Grade F Sludge.

This just boggles my mind that a place like Wawa even has to do this, one of the staples of the bigger convenience stores such as 7/11, Wawa, etc, is coffee, this is the product that they sell the most of, and if it isn't then it is the reason many people come in and then by something else in addition to it. How dare they serve shitty coffee! I'm up at 5:45 AM to go to work and all I want is, if it's not at least fresh coffee right from the maker, then no more than an hour or so old, even that I'd be okay with. But this mixing nonsense has to stop. It should be a company wide policy that they do not mix the coffee, because you figure with the amount of coffee Wawa sells, they must buy it from distributors in unbelievably huge amounts, and it literally can't cost more than 15-20 cents per cup for coffee, cup, lid, creamer, sugar and stirrer. You're telling me you can't shave a couple bucks off the end profit margin to ensure that your customers are getting the best possible product, leaving the store with the intention of coming back. While I admit that I come back anyway, it is because again there is nothing near me and I do not have a car, but day one that I have a car will be the absolute last day I ever let Wawa's coffee sludge pass through my lips. Shitty coffee, old coffee, god damn that really grinds my fucking gears.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with you. I hate when they pour coffee from an old pot into a new one. I can't stand it when you get to the bottom of your cup and you get mouthful of grinds. Come on, WAWA, can't you hire a coffee station person that didn't come from the land of the Dark Crystal??

Anonymous said...

Another thing I just thought of. What's the deal with a row of empty coffee pots at 7-9am? That should be when they are most diligent! Jerks.