Friday, March 23, 2007

Stupid, Ignorant Parents and Their Kids

Every fucking day, twice a day, a circus is formed at the end of my street where it intersects a school bus route. This circus is filled with screaming kids, dogs, bikes, skateboards and parents. The street is very narrow and God forbid if anyone tries to drive out of it during the two times a day that the bus picks up and drops off these kids. I have no problem with where this is taking place or when. My problem is the irresponsibility of the parents in letting their kids zip in between the cars and out into the street while waiting for these buses. I have had the unfortunate experience of trying to drive out of my street during these times of the day, which I usually try and avoid. The car has to crawl as I have had kids dash out right in front of me with their parents busy jacking their jaws with each other. I've also had parents stand right in the only passible part of the street. They turn and look at me and keep talking. GET OUT OF THE FUCKING WAY YOU IGNORANT ASSHOLES! The situation is ridiculous. My friend is a cop and he shakes his head at the situation the few times he had to push through it. They sometimes even double park so that no car and pass through. And don't try and tell me that they are doing this to protect the children and cause cars to slow down. If they cared so much about the children they would keep them on a short leash and not tear it up as if they were whacked on coke. I mean seriously. The kids are going to school not a party. There is no need for bikes, skateboards and dogs to be running around while waiting for the bus. Look, I might sound like a miserable prick on this subject but the bottom line is I don't want to see a kid run over. A parent maybe, but not a kid.

Back in my day you walked alone to the bus. If your mother showed up with you the kids would throw stones and empty soda cans at you. You waited for the bus for 5 hours and when one came it only had three wheels and the smoke from the exhaust dry rotted your brain. All right, I made those last parts up. LOL!

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