Monday, March 26, 2007


I get so furious when I'm on riding the bus and stupid black teenagers get on the god damned bus coming from any one of 3 or 4 high schools that the route passes through. First, if they are from Sol Agricultural School, they are the loudest, most obnoxious and irritating group of black people that I have ever seen in my entire life. They get on the bus, there are dozens of them and the bus gets so overly crowded. Then you have these fucking niggers (yes I said niggers, because when they act the way these animals do, completely ignorant of anyone else's personal space or fucking eardrums there is no other word for it) yelling and screaming to each other from the back of the bus to the front of the bus. Then you see the way they act with each other, they're constantly sitting on each other's laps, they have slapfights with each other, something so strange, you always notice black people having slapfights with each other, must be a territorial jungle thing, having not been domesticated for very long quite yet. You also continuously see black males pushing and shoving or even like lightly slapping the females, somehow annoying them in some way, which to me it seems like they show their "affection" towards women the same way that a 3rd grader would. Well done there.

What's possibly worse than the black teenagers are the white teenagers, mostly girls, who act just like their nigger counterparts, this annoys me to no end. Your parents don't speak or act that way at home, why would you change yourself to closely resemble black people who can barely speak english and act like animals, and who within a few years will probably help to keep philadelphia's murder rate at it's highest levels. You're foolish, you'll get nowhere in life acting like that. Then there are ones who block the back door when people are trying to get out and make no effort to move out of your way when you're going by even when there are a number of empty seats on the bus they continue to block the door, sometimes causing normal people to miss their stop. This is completely unacceptable, get the fuck out of the way you ignorant fucking asshole!

I could go on and on about how these idiots act while they're on the bus, sometimes I start yelling at them to shut the fuck up, sometimes when they block me from getting out the door I just move full speed ahead sometimes knocking them off the bus, because I get so god damned fed up with their nonsense. I can't really go much further here without my head exploding so I'm going to stop. I'll just say that these fucking loonatics who act like animals on the bus (and I'm assuming at home and everywhere they go) really grind my fucking gears.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen to that. SEPTA needs to start hiring bus marshalls with tasers and batons to keep the cattle in check!