Friday, June 29, 2007

Impatient Whore

So there I am, waiting in line to get my morning coffee and bagel at Dunkin' Donuts. There's this pointy, bony bitch in front of me. She is ordering like 2 or 3 giant boxes of coffee and then ordered 2-3 dozen donuts. Not " give me a mix" but specifically picking out each different one. There's a crowd at the counter. Some other guy was ordering a couple dozen donuts. But she then belches out: "How much longer is this going to take? I can't stay much longer." They tell her they are brewing fresh pots to fill her dumpster-sized boxes of coffee. She gets all pissed off and starts cawing at them that "it should have been done by now." Are you kidding? Did you think they would tell everyone else waiting that all the coffee is gone because you and the caffeine-camels you are ordering for have sucked it all down? No! There is a balance to the way things are done. You don't command the services of the entire staff at your whim. You ordered a lot, now be patient while they fill that order. Christ! Get there earlier if you are running late. Either way, shut the fuck up.

1 comment:

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